by irdadmin | Jun 14, 2018 | Financial Markets, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
The footnotes are the most interesting section of every financial and economic reports. They also happens to be least studied section of these reports. Those who prepare these reports rely on this fact. The monthly headline retail sales is based to a large extent on...
by irdadmin | Jun 13, 2018 | Financial Markets, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
Retail, especially the “concept” retailers, are going parabolic. It makes no sense given the declining rate of personal consumption, retail sales, etc. The kinkiest names like RH, RL and W are going up like the stocks went up in late 1999/early...
by irdadmin | Jun 11, 2018 | Financial Markets
The market sentiment toward the precious metals is quite negative. Additionally, gold and silver are fighting both the ongoing official price-management, which seems to have intensified over the last 12 months, and the rising dollar. The rise in the dollar is...
by irdadmin | Jun 11, 2018 | Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
The BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) released its “hey man, lots of jobs open” report last week. The problem is that the credibility of the report is only as good as the credibility of the organization that prepares the report. In this case, the BLS and...
by irdadmin | Jun 10, 2018 | Financial Markets, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
“While the decline in housing activity has been significant and will probably continue for a while longer, I think the concerns we used to hear about the possibility of a devastating collapse—one that might be big enough to cause a recession in the U.S. economy—have...