by irdadmin | Jun 26, 2017 | Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals
This isn’t some trader’s “fat finger” accidentally overloading the sell button and pressing “sell.” This is unadulterated BIS/ECB/BoE/Fed sponsored market intervention: At 4:01 EST, a paper gold nuclear bomb was detonated in the...
by irdadmin | Mar 30, 2017 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world,...
by irdadmin | Mar 6, 2017 | Financial Markets, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
Journalism and a free, open media is another “check and balance on the three branches of Government and we don’t have that check and balance anymore.” – Shadow of Truth One of the hallmarks of a totalitarian political regime is control of the...
by irdadmin | Dec 19, 2016 | Financial Markets, Gold, U.S. Economy
Hillary and her supporters have vehemently asserted that “seventeen intelligence agencies” agree with the assessment that Russia hacked the election. It might be greater news to the American people to hear that there actually are seventeen such agencies...
by irdadmin | Dec 12, 2016 | Financial Markets, Market Manipulation
The Fake News conspiracy is starting to lose steam. It’s time to bury it completely. But this won’t happen because the “Fake News” narrative is another propaganda tool that is being used to distract the public’s attention from a...