by irdadmin | Feb 22, 2020 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
And it’s not just gold. The Fed is already hinting that more money printing is coming. Powell suggested at his semi-annual Congressional testimony that QE would be used in the next recession. A couple other Fed officials this week confirmed that the FOMC is...
by irdadmin | Feb 20, 2020 | Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
Q: “Why is the Fed reluctant to let the boom-bust nature of markets play out?” A: “Because it what’s they’ve always done [since the Fed was founded in 1913]…Once you’re in power, you’re going to do what you can to defend...
by irdadmin | Feb 13, 2020 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
The stock market has become a powerful political and economic propaganda tool. It’s hard to dispute the idea that economy is not “in a good place” or “booming” when the Dow goes up 100 points or more everyday. Trump understands this and...
by irdadmin | Jan 14, 2020 | Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
Gresham’s Law in action: The diminishing availability of physical gold from the market (per several different accounts in London) corresponds to the proliferation of fiat currency printing and paper gold derivatives. Since September the Fed has increased the...
by irdadmin | Jan 10, 2020 | Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
The soaring paper gold open interest on the Comex is just one indication of a shortages developing in the physical gold bullion market. It’s no coincidence that just prior and accompanying the sell-off in gold this week that Exchange for “Physical”...