Many of my subscribers asked my view on Northern Dynasty (NAK), developer of the Pebble copper-gold-moly-silver deposit in the Bristol Bay are of southwest Alaska. I figured newsletters were pumping it. I owned NAK for brief period in 2004 before I decided I didn’t like the way it “smelled.” Thirteen years later it smells just as bad.
I found out the Stansberry/Casey marketing juggernaut team was pimping NAK, as well as Martin Katusa and Rick Rule. Upon a closer look, I could not find one redeeming reason to own NAK. If I had looked at it when it was trading at $3.40 at the end of January, I would have put it in my Short Seller’s Journal (NAK is now at $1.61 and likely headed toward zero). I also knew Kerisdale Capital recently slammed NAK, but after the firm’s highly misleading and incorrect hatchet-job on First Majestic, I don’t trust Kerisdale.
Over the years, I have learned the hard way that “holy grail” projects in geographically difficult areas enveloped with an extreme degree of political risk have a high probability of ending with a bad result for my investment. NAK is one of these situations that I am recommending that subscribers avoid. – Excerpt from the latest issue of the Mining Stock Journal
In this week’s issue of the Mining Stock Journal, I present several compelling reasons why NAK is likely nonviable. You can read my analysis plus receive all of the back-issues using this link: Mining Stock Journal
Your review of NAK is quite timely, given a class action lawsuit, a Seeking Alpha analysis, and the fact it was highly promoted at the 2015 Silver Summit in SF which I witnessed personally. The NAK website has Stansbury and others refuting the Seeking Alpha article. On Tuesday of this week, I got the bright idea to buy a few shares after it was beat up 50%, but now realize it may be a falling knife. I got the information on this company two years ahead of time, but never bought until Tuesday just because I thought it must have value as Casey, Rule and others put so much faith in the idea, and the fact Trump has been favorable to mining permits in Alaska. Keep up the magnificent work! – from subscriber “James”
I lived in Alaska for 15 summers until 2015. The level of opposition to this potential environmental disaster times 1000 or so is extreme and will not be dropped. There is support too, of course, from those hoping to make money from it but the opposition will not be bought off or compromise meaningfully. All in all this strikes me as the longest of long shots to obtain final approval with all the opposition put down.
I don’t always buy or trade miners. But when I do, I always check with
Dave Kranzler at Investment Research Dynamics.
Stay shinny my friends.
LOL – nice!
LOL. Keep stacking’ my friends.
Heads-up!!!! An insane tornado seems to be coming (long overdue)!!!
Donald Trump publicly stated today that: “Bill Clinton has got A LOT OF PROBLEMS COMING HIS WAY for his Jeffrey Epstein connection”.
OMG, this is the PEDOPHILIA PizzaGate tornado coming! Of course, real action is needed instead of just words, but this is a massive bomb to be ending the week on this note.
Rick Rule and Casey have to be the slickest, oiliest, greasiest scumbags in the entire sector. People have forgotten that Casey wrote a book in 1980 and was on the Phil Donahue show, telling people to buy gold. Since 1980 , gold has risen by 100%. But how have other assets done since 1980???
Skunk then, financed by Pilgrim Society and SwiSSy. Skunk now. No doubt that these were shorting it
Doug’s biggest bet was on a tiny Canadian gold miner. Most investors have never heard of this company. But it could soon become a household name in the precious metals community.
“That’s because the company has a stake in the world’s largest undeveloped copper and gold deposit.
“Doug’s so convinced this stock will take off that he called it his top gold stock at the New Orleans Investment Conference. Doug’s team also recommends it to readers in The Casey Report.
“This morning, Doug’s top gold stock skyrocketed 25%…
“That’s a gigantic gain for one day. But Doug thinks it’s headed much higher in the coming months.
“Best of all, the U.S. stock market won’t have to crash for this stock to take off.”
So who is it? This is Northern Dynasty Minerals (NDM in Toronto, NAK in NY),
The development plan for the Pebble project is still unknown … what if mngmt. gets smart and develops a series of small open pits where the high-grade is concentrated at the surface … way too premature to speculate about NDM going to zero, imo.
The lawsuits are part of a cynical, should – the – illegal, coordinated smear attack by Kerrisdale to create a short bonanza, and it worked for them, but enthusiasm keeps bringing the stock back. Going to zero is pretty pessimistic. And just because something hasn’t typically worked well before, such as remote mining challenges etc., doesn’t mean it can’t work now with what is certainly one of the major if not the biggest unproduced copper/gold deposits in the world. Time will tell, for now, huge risk, but potential gigantic reward long-term, 100 year mine potential etc.