The following was written by Eric Dubin of The News Doctors:
It’s not an accident that the hit to gold and silver came AFTER the London PM Fix. We’ve got physical gold demand in Asia that is downright explosive (I’ll document this in a separate article later this week because no one has done a comprehensive painting of all of the trends in once place) and the cartel apparently wanted to hit metals as well as push long-term bond yields up and prices down to reflect a fake steepening of the yield curve to help banks improve solvency while sending a fake signal of a strong economy.
The London market is still a large physical settlement market and if this hit came before the London PM Fix there would likely be a large amount of off-take stimulated as Asian buyers scarf-up more physical. What to do? Kick the crap out of gold and silver after the fix, and hope that sentiment is gravely wounded over the subsequent hours and before the next major physical settlement potential of tomorrow’s London PM Fix. When you look at the news headlines for all assets and political issues there’s no good reason for this move other than the coordinated actions and statements in the media by Mnuchin, which was clearly well timed to deal with the ongoing challenge of steering precious metals down, steepening the yield curve to help banks survive because they can make more profit with a sloped yield curve spread to help pad their balance sheet over time while sending a fake signal about a strong economy implied by an upwardly sloping yield curve.
ZeroHedge on the gold hit (and Tyler missed the importance of why this hit came after the London PM Fix): The Read The Rest Of This Analysis Click Here: Welcome To The Twilight Zone