by irdadmin | Dec 21, 2017 | Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals
The simple answer to that question is: who knows, eventually it will. I like to look at the Commitment of Traders report for signals. I think the COT offers better information than looking at charts, although I like to use my COT analysis in conjunction with charts....
by irdadmin | Dec 8, 2017 | Financial Markets, Gold, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
As students of the gold market know, the paper gold markets in New York and London function as price manipulation mechanisms used by the western Central Banks in their effort to control the price of gold. As the physical demand from the eastern hemisphere pushes the...
by irdadmin | Nov 16, 2017 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
The stock market rejoices the House passage of the tax “reform” Bill as the Dow shot up 187 points and the S&P 500 spiked up 21. The Nasdaq soared 1.3%, retracing its 3-day decline in one day. The tax bill is nothing more than a massive redirect of...
by irdadmin | Sep 8, 2017 | Financial Markets, Gold, Precious Metals
In the July 27th issue of the Mining Stock Journal, I discussed briefly the run-up in Novo Resources‘ stock (NSRPF, NVO.V). At that point the stock, which had gone parabolic, was trading at US$1.93 for a $225 million market-cap. In defiance of any type of fundamental...
by irdadmin | Sep 1, 2017 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
I found it amusing that Mohamed El-Erian wrote an opinion piece for Bloomberg which asserted that gold is not much of a “safe haven these days.” His thesis was entirely devoid of material facts. His underlying rationale was that safe haven capital was...