by irdadmin | Jun 30, 2017 | Financial Markets, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
After it was announced that the Fed gave the big banks a pass on their “stress” test, the TBTFs announced huge dividend and share buyback plans: If the banks had properly marked to market their Level 3 assets and some of their riskiest non-Level 3 assets,...
by irdadmin | Jun 22, 2016 | Financial Markets, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
This commentary is from a subscriber to my Short Seller’s Journal: The 3% down loans seem to have brought in a lot of first time buyers into the market. I live in the east bay area of California, which is more affordable than San Francisco, or the South Bay area...
by irdadmin | May 10, 2016 | Financial Markets, U.S. Economy
The stock I feature in the latest issue of the Short Seller’s Journal was down 3.5% today. The company’s revenues are highly correlated with the GDP, which is going negative rather quickly. This stock easily has another $20 of downside by the middle of...