by irdadmin | Jun 3, 2019 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
“U.S. Officials Meet in Secret Over Junk-Loan Frenzy as Recession Alarms Flash” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Thursday led a secret meeting of top U.S. financial regulators on the risks to global markets from the recent surge in corporate...
by irdadmin | Jan 9, 2019 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
The stock market has gone “Roman Candle” since Fed Chairman, Jerome Powell, gave a speech that was interpreted as a precursor to the Fed softening its stance on monetary policy. Not that intermittent quarter-point Fed Funds rate nudges higher or a barely...
by irdadmin | Dec 27, 2018 | Financial Markets, Gold, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
“Commentators keep asking why the Fed can’t raise rates if the economy is so strong? They still don’t realize that the economy was never strong. They confuse a bubble for strength. Without 0% rates and QE the bubble can’t survive. But a return...
by irdadmin | Feb 8, 2018 | Financial Markets, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, Precious Metals, U.S. Economy
Is the Stock Market Rigged? Paul Craig Roberts, Dave Kranzler, and Michael Hudson On February 6 PCR asked if the Plunge Protection Team had stepped in and prevented a stock market correction by purchasing equity index futures....
by irdadmin | Feb 6, 2018 | Financial Markets, Housing Market, Market Manipulation, U.S. Economy
Yesterday was amusing. The meat with mouths on the so-called financial networks were crying, “how could this have happened.” Funny thing, that. They don’t raise the slightest doubt of conviction when the Dow soars 2,676 points in less than two...