A press that is free to investigate and criticize the government is absolutely essential in a nation that practices self-government and is therefore dependent on an educated and enlightened citizenry. – Thomas Jefferson
The control of the mainstream media by the wealthy elitist Establishment is nothing new. If Watergate served any purpose, it was to send a message to those who wanted to take complete control of the political and economic system that control of the mainstream media was imperative.
The use of propaganda to shape public perception is as old as civilization. Religion is the paramount example. But the extreme bias in the mainstream media – especially CNN, Fox News, MSNC, New York Times and Washington Post – has become so blatant that even the hoi polloi is taking notice.
It’s become impossible to ignore all of the evidence pointing at Hillary Clinton’s overt, unabashed criminal activities. Those who continue to support her choose to ignore the evidence and blame the information on Putin or on “conspiracy theorists.” The fact that CNN refuses to report anything that runs contrary to the party line supporting the HRC narrative reinforces the “conspiracy theory” storyline.
It’s easier to swallow lies because recognizing truth would destroy the myths about America that were pounded into our brains starting in kindergarten. Surely humans can’t be as evil as the tinfoil hats would have us believe…
In today’s Shadow of Truth episode, we discuss the attempt to rig the election in favor of HRC. Hillary managed to use control of the media to defeat Bernie Sanders. We also discuss our predictions for gold and silver:
After the weekend’s developments, I upgraded my personal prediction of World War III breaking out within next 12 months from 60% to 65%. As more time passes by, if instead of any sanity returning to the world, the shit starts becoming weirder & weirder, I’ll keep upgrading .
Here is the UK today has seen RBS/Natwest banks refuse to deal with Russian broadcaster RT. They have frozen their accounts. One of the major journalists for RT is Max Keiser. They have been running reports about the criminal action of RBS in taking assets from business owners they were supposed to helping. Very few British broadcasters have given any air time to this story until now.
It is unclear if this is RBS acting alone or if The British govt is involved. They have wanted to take down RT in the UK for sometime and this looks like the opportunity. The Prime Minister is claiming it is a matter for the bank. Well she would say that wouldn’t she? Then we have Julian Asssanges internet connection being shut down it all suggests that we are on the edge of something very unpleasant. Russia and The Syrian army are taking back Aleppo which is why Obama has been forced to act. The timing seems rather more than a coincidence.
FYI…I was at my bank last week to withdraw a chunk of cash. The teller said she needed my SSN for any withdrawals over $3,000.00. The bank is a regional Pacific Northwest bank and she said this was a new rule. I plan to visit another bank and ask if they have the same rule.
Please report back
I talked with another bank, and they said that they also want a SSN for large withdrawals (they wouldn’t tell me the limit).
At the first bank I talked with someone further up the food chain. She said that they were supposed to be doing it for some time but it wasn’t implemented. Since their last meeting, they are. She eluded this was a Federal thing, but didn’t flat out state it. Would be interesting if banks elsewhere are following suit.
I hope more readers can share experiences. This is frightening. My recommendation is to keep cash movement transactions under $2k if possible. I’ve been told that’s the “shadow” limit at which the banks report to the Feds. It was originally $10k before 9/11 and now it’s officially $5k, I think. But in reality they are monitoring anything over $1999.
James O’Keefe just signed his death warrant few mins ago.
Well, actually he did it last week. But look @ what he tweeted few mins ago.
I can see only few possible outcomes as alternatives (or some combinations of them) out of this impasse’:
1 James O’Keefe gets assassinated
2 James O’Keefe’s twitter, Facebook, all internet access gets deactivated like Julian Assange
3 North Korean or Chinese style internet crackdown across the board for all US citizens
4 Major false-flag event w/ or w/out Syria/Russia/WWIII connection
5 Martial law style political crackdown across the country
6 Any other possibilities???
The fact that none of the mainstream PROPAGANDA PRESSTITUTES went anywhere near his video from today (& rest of their track record from last few weeks) says they’re not willing to come to any sanity.
American society as a whole is now @ an impasse’ due to the depths to which our mainstream media & political/financial machinery has sunk.
Great show guys…the stock discussion very interesting…have to apologise
from Australia though, we could have given you guys in the USA gonorrhoea
or malaria or something for your GDP instead we gave you Rupert Murdoch…….
LOL – thanks!
After what I experienced…I agree!
My bank, U.S. Bank has lowered ATM withdrawal limits twice in 6 months.
From $1200 to $800 and now to $500. I asked for the reasoning and was
treated very suspiciously, like how dare I question policy!