Note:  the current delivery-month for Comex gold is June – I absent-mindely reference July as the current gold delivery month in the podcast below.

The trading patterns in gold/silver are starting to reflect the real possibility that the Central Banks are losing their ability to use paper gold/silver derivatives a price manipulation device.  Nowhere is this more evident than on the Comex, where the ratio of paper gold/silver futures vs. the amount reported physical gold/silver available for delivery into those paper claims is at historically high levels.

Elijah Johnson of invited me on to his podcast show to discuss the precious metals market, along several other topics.  Elijah posted the portion of the show in which we specifically discuss Comex gold trading because it coincides with the strong move higher made by the metals this week.

If the CFTC passed a regulation prohibited the issuance of gold/silver Comex contracts in excess of 120% of the amount of underlying physical gold/silver it would probalby cause a doubling of the price of gold and a quadrupling in the price of silver…
