“I was just following orders.” – James Comey is a board member of the Clinton Foundation – I am sure almost NONE of you knew that
Note: Every single syllable of every word Dr. Roberts writes below is accurate. The only “sidebar” I would add is that, for many of you who voted for Obama, Obama reneged on his promise to roll-back everything the Bush Admin had done to destroy the Constitution and made every Bush initiative more Constitutionally destructive.
FBI Director James Comey got Hillary off the hook but wants to put you on it. He is pushing hard for warrantless access to all of your Internet activity.
Comey, who would have fit in perfectly with Hitler’s Gestapo, tells Congress that the United States is not safe unless the FBI knows when every American goes online, to whom they are sending emails and from whom they are receiving emails, and knows every website visited by every American.
In other words, Comey wants to render null and void the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution and completely destroy your privacy rights.
The reason Washington wants to know everything about everyone is so that Washington can embarrass, blackmail, and frame on felony charges patriots who stand up in defense of the US Constitution and the rule of law, and dissidents who criticize Washington’s illegal wars, reckless foreign policies, and oppression of American citizens.
Washington’s demand for power has nothing to do with our security. It has to do with destroying the security that the US Constitution gives us.
The security that Comey wants to protect is not our security or the national security of the United States. Comey’s intent is to make Washington secure despite its violations of statutory law and the US Constitution. The way Comey intends to do this is by intimidating, harassing, and arresting Washington’s critics.
Comey wants the unconstitutional power to demand from the providers of telephone and Internet services all records and information about you. These demands are not to be subject to oversight by courts, and the communication companies that serve you are prohibited from telling you that all of your information has been given to the FBI.
US Senators rushed to stick their swords into the Fourth Amendment. John Cornyn slapped an FBI-written amendment on the Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015. This caused the American Civil Liberties Union and Amnesty International to withdraw their support for the act, which caused the act to be withdrawn.
Senator John McCain rushed to the aid of the FBI. This Constitution-hating senator proposed an amendment to a criminal justice appropriations bill that would use a provision in the unconstitutional PATRIOT Act to grant the unlimited unaccountable power to the FBI to totally destroy your privacy.
McCain’s amendment failed, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) changed his vote so that he could negate the Senate’s vote with a vote to reconsider.
The FBI’s senators will continue with amendments to legislation, related or not, until they deliver to the FBI the power it wants.
Unfortunately, most Americans today, unlike their forebears, are too ignorant and uneducated to know the value of the privacy rights that our Founding Fathers put in the US Constitution. The imbeciles say nonsense such as: “I haven’t done anything wrong. I have nothing to fear.” God help the imbeciles.
If the American people were sufficiently sophisticated, they perhaps would wonder why such a large chunk of the US Senate had rather represent the FBI than the American people, their constituents who elected them to represent the people in the state, not a police power in Washington.
Why are so many US senators more responsive to the FBI’s desire for Gestapo police power than they are to the civil liberties embodied in the US Constitution?
As the Bill of Rights Defense Committee and the Defending Dissent Foundation show, the Orlando shootings, the Dallas shootings and whatever shootings, real or staged, next occur have nothing to do with the FBI’s demand to completely destroy all privacy rights of the American people.
What’s that I hear? You say you knew nothing about this? Little wonder. Your media consist of people well paid to deceive you and to deliver you into a Police State. To strip you of all constitutional protection and deliver you unprotected to a police state is the function of the New York Times, Washington Post, Fox «News», CNN, the rest of the presstitute print and TV media and many Internet sites.
Adolf Hitler is alive and well in the United States, and he is fast rising to power. Dr. Paul Craig Robert article link
Not doubt the FBI wants to serve the public corporations that run the prisons. Prison corporations with lobbyists advocating for more laws and longer sentences. We are being screwed every way imaginable so the oligarchs can increase their profits.
Its all about the money. Our representatives have forgotten all about what is good for citizenry. We matter not unless we have the money to purchase a representative.
While I am sympathetic to your views on the matter, where on earth did you (or whomever you quoted) come up with the notion that Comey sits on the Clinton Foundation board?
He doesn’t, and never has, as far as I can tell. His closest apparent connection through HSBC Holdings.
You may need to check better.
Also this:
James Comey has set himself up as a “Demagogue”.
“The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots”.
– H.L. Mencken
I think 20.50 silver is setting a record for capping games, probably been touched 25 times in the past week.
The ruling elites have become more and more brazen while the populace has gotten dumber and dumber at the same time. It is scary to think that compared to today, a mere 10-15 years ago seems like a more innocent time. The financial thievery that goes on unabated, privacy rights getting obliterated, wall st crooks let go scot-free, ditto for Hitlary, the list goes on an on. Worser and bizarre is becoming the new normal and the average citizen doesn’t seem to give a damn about it. Or maybe he is too crushed by the need to work doubly hard to maintain status quo in living standard that he doesn’t have time to think outside the box.
Don’t know if you have seen this article by Armstrong. He certainly puts a new pitch on it all
Martin Armstrong again on Comey vs Lynch: