Predictably, the FOMC once again fell flat on its face with regard to its continuous threats over the last month to hike rates. Despite the politically motivated rhetoric about the strengthening economy and tight labor market flowing from Yellen’s pie-hole, the fact that the Fed is afraid to raise rates just one-quarter of one percent tells us all we need to know about the true condition of the economy.
If I didn’t despise the fact that Yellen has been an incompetent political hack originally inserted into the Federal Reserve system as a political tool since her first tenure as an economist at the Fed in 1978, I would almost feel sorry for her. But the fact that she can stand in front of the public and read off of a sheet of paper scripted with lies about the state of the economy forces me to despise her as much as I despise the entirety of Washington, DC
This analysis of Yellen underscores my view that Yellen is either tragically corrupt or catastrophically stupid: How Yellen Rationalizes Financial Bubbles
Phil and John Kennedy invited onto their podcast show to discuss the FOMC, Yellen, Gold, Deutsche Bank and some other timely topics:
Yellen is an embarrassment and so is her predecessor blind Ben. These people have no conscience and have not a trace of regret about looting financially responsible people who saved up their hard earned money. It is a shame these thieves are given so much air time and treated like superstars.
Between Grandma Hitlery & Grandma Yellen, who’s a bigger embarassment?
Thanks for informing and for the video.