Here’s the identity of the entities behind PropOrNot:
Launched by a resounding article in the Washington Post, on 24 Novembre 2016 [11], a mysterious group entitled Propaganda or Not? established a list of de 200 Internet sites – including – who were allegedly tasked by the Kremlin with relaying Russian propaganda and intoxicating US public opinion to the point where they elected Donald Trump.
While Propaganda or Not? does not publish the names of its directors, it does indicate that it unites four organisations – Polygraph, The Interpreter, the Center for European Policy Analysis and the Digital Forensic Research Lab.
– Polygraph is one of the sites of Voice of America, the US public radio and television organisation controlled by the Broadcasting Board of Governors.
– The Interpreter is a magazine of the Institute of Modern Russia, now broadcast by Voice of America.
– The Center for European Policy Analysis is a pseudopod of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) directed by Zbigniew Brzeziński and Madeleine Albright.
– And finally, the Digital Forensic Research Lab is a programme of the Atlantic Council.
In a document distributed by Propaganda or Not?, this pseudo-NGO, born of associations financed by the Obama administration, clearly names its enemy – Russia. It accuses Russia of having been the origin of the 9/11 Truth Movement and the Internet sites supporting Syria and Crimea.
On 2 December 2016, the United States Congress voted a law forbidding all military co-operation between Washington and Moscow. In the space of a few years, NATO has re-activated MacCarthyism.
You can read this entire article here: NATO, The Obama Government And “Fake News”
I did a podcast with Elijah Johnson of Finance and Liberty/Silver Doctors in which we discussed the use of fake news and manipulated Government economic reports as totalitarian propaganda tools: Orwell’s Thought Police In Real-Time.
BBG directors include CFR members John Kerry, Ryan Crocker, and Karen Kornbluh. Here’s the BBG / VOA announcement of, their alleged “fact checking” service:
NED directors include CFR members Elliott Abrams, Anne Applebaum, William Burns, Francis Fukuyama, Zalmay Khalilzad, Princeton Lyman, Stephen Sestanovich, Melanne Verveer, and Robert Zoellick. Brzezinski and Albright are also CFR members.
Many of the Atlantic Council directors are also CFR members. See member lists at