
The United States is on the frontier of Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.” Full force propaganda, political/social correctness, “safe spaces,” everyone on Field Day gets ribbon”…the list goes on. Huxley’s vision is characterized by a society in which the population has been converted into standardized zombies. Starting with the educational system, children are educated in a way which shapes their self-image appropriate to their socioeconomic caste; critical thinking and individualism is discouraged. Sound familiar?

A colleague of our’s today remarked that “these markets are nothing more than another form of propaganda used as political/geopolitical tools.” Hard to argue against that considering every economic report issued by the Government is intentionally manipulated for purpose of brainwashing the public into thinking that the economy is doing better than everyone thinks. Remember, no criticial thinking allowed.

In this latest episode of the Shadow of Truth we dive into these issues full-throttle, including a brief discussion on the incipient rebellion brewing: