Investment Research Dynamics is pleased to present another guest post by Stewart Dougherty. I wanted to preface Stewart’s formal essay with some thoughts he shared with me in our email exchanges leading up to his latest essay:
I haven’t shared with you one of the most important tenets of Inferential Analytics … namely, that the universal human condition is addiction. Addiction comes in hundreds of forms. Two of the most powerful are to money and power. HRC is addicted to both. She simply cannot let go of her presidential ambition, or her greed.
I must admit, when I saw her interviewed the other day regarding Syria, she looked terrible. Her legs looked as if they were about explode out of her pants, which were stretched to snapping. She looked like a human sausage. I thought her doctors would have been reversing her obesity by now, but apparently not. Among her other addictions, she is addicted to food, and is a glutton [IRD: she’s also an alcoholic]. Mentally, she is a complete mess. So I could be wrong … if she cannot get her gluttony under control, she cannot get to 2020. She simply will not have the required stamina, and could croak at any time.
My assumption is that when she smells Trump’s blood in the water, she will become so galvanized that she will get the gluttony under control, even if it’s only to get through the election. They will make Obama her running mate, if that’s what’s required to get her across the finish line. Then he can effectively have a third term, while she vegetates in a food coma.
We believe the 6 April 2017 Tomahawk missile attack on Syria indicates that Donald Trump has concluded that the fiscal, economic and political situations in the United States are beyond repair, and that without continued, massive military interventionism and spending, U.S. GDP will plunge, taking all of his campaign commitments down with it. Therefore, he has capitulated to the agenda of the Deep State looters and war profiteers. Trump’s capitulation has profound personal and financial implications for the citizens of the United States and the world.
The strikingly weak March employment report issued on 7 April 2017 demonstrated that rhetoric, no matter how well-intended, does not produce jobs or growth. Only genuine confidence, conviction and belief can do that, and after eight years of Obama’s colossal and deliberate “Hope and Change” lie, the people are not inclined to believe in political rhetoric at this time. We regard it as no coincidence that the attack on Syria occurred mere hours before the release of the March jobs report, the details of which would have been available to the President and his senior advisers in advance. Trump and his team knew that the news was bad, and that a course change and distraction were needed.
Increasingly, it appears that the American people will get a 21 ½ month Trump presidency (late January 2017 through early November 2018). Republicans are backing away from the Obamacare campaign promises they made to the people by merely substituting one massive government bureaucracy and socialized redistribution scheme for another. Far more troubling, they are now signaling that while corporate tax reform remains on the table, personal tax reform might have to wait. Which is their way of saying that personal tax reform will never happen at all, or it will be a deceptive shell game where a tax reduction to the left is completely neutralized by new or increased taxes to the right. Everywhere the people turn, they see the elites being further enriched while they sink further into an inescapable financial morass.
Accordingly, the 2018 mid-term election is shaping up to be a bloodbath for Republicans, with betrayed and disgusted Republican voters staying at home in droves, or voting Democrat out of spite and revulsion against the politicians who have betrayed them yet again. November 2018 will therefore mark the end of the Trump presidency, with the Deep State firmly running the show from then on as it prepares for 2020. There is no one on the bench at this time that the Deep State can rely on as fully as Hillary Clinton, try as they must and do to widen their options.
For her part, Clinton is taking a page out of Madonna’s book by remaking herself. In a recent speech in San Francisco, gone was the campaign era, pastel-colored pant suit, replaced by a dark leather outfit reminiscent of what one would see at a bikers’ convention. Apparently, there is going to be no more Mrs. Nice Guy. She is making it clear that she will no longer even attempt to appeal to the “deplorables,” now broadened to include the “misogynists,” whom she blames for her election loss. Instead, she is now 100% focused on her traditional, high-potential, core-constituencies, while she also eyes a developing vote bonanza: the growing cohort of Trump supporters who feel deceived, are furious about it, and will be out for revenge.
Clinton’s addictions to power and control make her enormously valuable to the Deep State. They know that she will effectively advance their agenda and enforce their mandates. Her addiction to money assures them that she will do exactly what she is well-paid to do. The problem, as before, is her health. Her 6 April 2017 interview at the Women in the World conference, during which she was seated the entire time, showed that she remains obese. And her walk across the large stage to the interview site was slow and measured, undermining the credibility of her repeated comments about taking “long walks in the woods” to find solace after her election loss. Nonetheless, on several occasions during the 48 minute interview, she spoke as if she were a presidential candidate. We believe her addictions to power, control and money will overcome, at least temporarily, her addiction to consumption.
If the Deep State does, in fact, tap her for 2020, it will spend millions on her medical and psychological care throughout the election process, to ensure that she appears to the populace to be sound of body and mind. There will be no more fainting spells or mental fade-outs, and she will be buoyed up by the best doctors and drugs that money can buy. To the greatest extent possible, her campaign will be conducted electronically, to keep the wear and tear of physical campaigning to a minimum.
We expect that HRC will raise more money for her 2020 bid than was spent by every single presidential and Congressional candidate in 2016; $7.5 billion, at a minimum, which will shatter the previous, 2016 record for presidential campaign spending. Given the trillions of dollars that can be looted from the United States economy during a 4 year presidency, donors can generate an astounding Return on Investment from their contributions, which is exactly why they spend so much to buy politicians. Republican donations will collapse.
Numerous reports indicate that Bill Clinton’s health is failing. His marked weight loss is obvious, as are several other observable symptoms of decline. Unfortunately, none of us can live forever, particularly those who have led “full,” pedal-to-the-metal lives.
Running to become both the first woman and first widowed president, HRC will uncork a vast, additive sympathy vote that will sweep her to victory. Millions of previously non-HRC voters will feel that she deserves the presidency, at long last, after everything she has been through. The people will be told that she lost her beloved husband due, in large part, to the toll taken by his profound sadness over the surprise outcome of the unfair, “Russian-rigged” 2016 election. USA!, USA!, USA! She will be cast as a brave, determined fighter who has persisted against all odds to bring the people to the Promised Land of government-manufactured utopia.
HRC’s victory in 2020 is critically important to the Deep State because the United States will be entering the advanced looting phase by then. It will be clear that the deficits are endemic and non-containable; that the nation’s debt is propulsive and non-payable; that the systemic economic drags cannot be ameliorated; that the health care system has spun out of control; that the public and private pension systems are collapsing; and that the dollar is failing, portending systemic, punishing inflation for the people. The people will be desperate for salvation, and will be putty in the hands of professional prevaricators who smother them in soothing lies.
In the fast-disintegrating economy, the Deep State’s best and possibly last opportunity to loot the nation will be to go straight for the people’s money, which they will do with a vengeance. In the process, the Crony Communist overthrow of the United States that was started by Obama and Soros will be finalized. Crony Communism is where the serious money is for the Deep State, which explains why this is the track on which the country is traveling.
As we have previously pointed out, all Life Forces seek to evolve and expand, and communism is no exception. Crony Communism is the most virulent, destructive, ruthless and evolved form of communism ever developed, exponentially intensifying the absolute worst aspects of cronyism and communism. Crony Communism will result in communistic impoverishment and misery for the people, while awarding epic wealth and power to its orchestrators and thugs.
For maximum effectiveness and control, Crony Communism requires gun bans and cash elimination. The delay in the enactment of these agendas is the primary reason why the Deep State Crony Communists are so infuriated by HRC’s 2016 loss. For them, time is big money. And delays carry risks, such as the populace finally waking up to what is happening to them, and resisting their newly perceived enemy with all their might.
Now that Trump has capitulated to the Deep State, we can expect the cash elimination engine to go full power. Gun confiscation will be more difficult to implement at present, given Gorsuch, and will be substituted by continued, massive militarization of federal, state and local policing agencies. The United Airlines customer assault shows how this process is swiftly metastasizing throughout the nation. One way or another, the Deep State will be well prepared when they launch their war against the people’s money.
On 7 April 2017, in total defiance of fiscal, monetary and economic logic given Trump’s military action plus the clear economic degradation reflected by the March employment report and the Atlanta Fed’s revised 1Q GDP forecast, which printed at an astoundingly poor 0.6%, gold closed $18 per ounce below its daily high, while silver suffered a $0.68 per ounce intra-day flash crash, and closed $0.48 below its daily high.
Taken together, the Global Market Capitalization of owned physical gold and silver was smashed down by more than $120 billion ($120,000,000,000.00) on a day when it should have surged.
In other words, $120 billion was stolen from citizens worldwide by the Deep State plunderers who operate with impunity out of Wall Street, the City in London and several dark trading posts immune to visibility, supervision or regulation. We estimate that the criminals who conducted this latest price raid netted on that day at least $900 million in profits in the precious metals futures, options on futures, ETF and equities markets. While a one day $900 million profit (much of it made in seconds) might not sound like much in today’s multi-trillion dollar financial trading world, please keep in mind that this EXACT method of crime has been perpetrated literally thousands of times over a period of 37+ years, without any criminal prosecutions whatsoever. It is a crime of historic proportions, as we explained in a previous article on the subject. (“Gold and Silver Price Manipulation: the Biggest Financial Crime in History.”)
The Deep State looters are mono-maniacally focused on regularly smashing precious metals prices for two primary reasons: 1) It provides them with a vast, recurring, no-lose, totally-illegal-but-never-prosecuted profit source; and, 2) it is an extremely effective way for them to scare everyday citizens away from metals, which is a key DS objective. If the people ever figure out, en masse, that they would greatly benefit by transferring their money into physical precious metals, as opposed to keeping it in digital bank accounts that can be seized at any time and under any pretext, the Deep State’s looting opportunity will be reduced. The Deep State works 60x60x24x365, or every second of every day to prevent the people from having that “Aha Moment” of personal financial clarity and sanity.
If the people fully understood how resilient precious metals prices have been despite the constant, multi-year, 24 hour per day, criminal, full-spectrum Deep State manipulation campaign, they would gain a new-found respect for precious metals as assets. Greed-fueled frauds always collapse in time, and when the precious metals price manipulation fraud fails, gold, silver and platinum’s reflexive revaluation will almost certainly be historic.
The Deep State agenda is to eliminate cash as soon as possible and force the people’s money to become nothing but electrons housed in digital currency prisons euphemistically called banks. Next, they will deactivate the precious metals dealers’ bank accounts, making it extremely difficult for citizens who have not already done so to acquire precious metals. This action will be taken under the totally dishonest pretext of combatting drugs, crime, terrorism and other fake, so-called dreaded threats. When people get wind that this is coming, a precious metals buying stampede will break out, much the same way that the ammunition buying frenzy developed when rumors spread that Obama was going to sharply control, turbo-tax or even prohibit bullet sales. Time and time again throughout history, people have exhibited a passionate desire to buy the things they expect will be taken away from them. When the precious metals buying stampede is triggered, people throughout the west will learn in a hurry that the quantity of physical precious metals actually available to them is extremely limited and quickly vanishing. Supplies will completely disappear in a day or two, if not before, just as ammunition disappeared from the shelves, nationwide, during that buying explosion.
We fully realize there will be risks to metals ownership, such as possible government prohibition. But if it ever comes to that, the people will know for an absolute fact that capitalism and freedom have been murdered and will not be coming back to life anytime soon, if ever again in the citizens’ lifetimes. It will be every person for him or herself going forward from there. With physical precious metals, at least a person will have a chance; with a digital bank balance controlled by Deep State looters, a person will not. The more mainstream media propaganda you hear about the wonderful virtues of cash elimination, the less time you have to prepare, because they will be closing the window of opportunity on you.
Only a short five years ago, there was virtually no one in Venezuela who could even have imagined the total collapse of society and quality of life that was headed straight at them like the equivalent of a nuclear bomb. As we see, Maduro and his communist cronies are as rich as ever and living in sheer luxury, while citizens die in the streets and scavenge like rodents for scraps. History proves beyond any doubt whatsoever that it is NEVER any different when predatory politicians plunge a nation into communism to feed their lust for power and loot their way to wealth. And it will be no different in the United States when Obama and Soros’s Crony Communist revolution is handed off to the First Widow, for its consummation.
We believe that 2017 is a gift from God that provides thinking citizens an extraordinary, and perhaps last opportunity to seriously prepare for what is coming, and to push back with fury against the indescribably evil Deep State agenda that is methodically being crammed down the people’s throats. We urge readers to take to heart this gift of time, and use it for all it’s worth.
Stewart Dougherty
April 10, 2017
Stewart Dougherty is the creator of Inferential Analytics, a forecasting method that applies to events proprietary, time-tested principles of human instinct, desire and action. In his view, forecasting methods not fundamentally based upon principles of human action are unlikely to be reliable over time. He is a graduate of Tufts University (BA) and Harvard Business School (MBA). He developed expertise in strategic analysis and planning during a 35+ year business career, has traveled to and conducted research in over 25 countries and has refined Inferential Analytics into a reliable predictive instrument over a period of 16+ years.
What da f***??
“I must admit, when I saw her interviewed the other day regarding Syria, she looked terrible. Her legs looked as if they were about explode out of her pants, which were stretched to snapping. She looked like a human sausage. I thought her doctors would have been reversing her obesity by now, but apparently not. Among her other addictions, she is addicted to food, and is a glutton [IRD: she’s also an alcoholic]. Mentally, she is a complete mess. So I could be wrong … if she cannot get her gluttony under control, she cannot get to 2020. She simply will not have the required stamina, and could croak at any time”
Is this a sick joke, or something??
I thought maybe someone had hacked your website, and just posted some trolling nonsensical insults.
What the hell does that rubbish, have to do, even remotely with the economic climate?
I don’t like HRC either, but you will lose all credibility if you continue to wtite that sort of Ad hominem rubbish!
People like HRC who are public personas should take better care of their personal appearance and physical health. If they don’t take care of themselves personally, then how can we trust them to care about the interests of the public? And if she’s too unhealthy to devote herself to being a public servant, then she should step aside and tend to her own personal issues.
The truth is she’s not a public servant. She’s self-serving, first and foremost and that’s evident from her lack of physical health, and she serves the interests of those who give her the most money. She’s also a narcissist, a glutton, an alcoholic, and a thoroughly immoral, unethical criminal. It’s reflected in her physical appearance. It may be “socially/politically” incorrect to call that out but it’s the truth and this blog is devoted to exposing the truth and it will throw a big yellow flag on duplicitous, corrupt people like HRC.
Your description of HRC probably makes up the majority
of those in Washington D.C. All these assholes are heavy
drinkers and substance abusers. Washington D.C. is Hollywood
for ugly people. When I say “ugly” I’m not just referring to
their physical appearance.
Hello Peter Harris: Thank you for comment. It appears that you are not pleased. So permit me to respond.
The identification and development of an Inferential Analytics theme requires a lot of time … 100 hours at a minimum, and usually a lot more. After coming off of a 5 hour research cycle into the subject theme (“Reign of the First Widow”), I decided to email Dave with some preliminary thoughts, just to get them off my mind and do a reality test. I like to email Dave about what I am discovering, because he is extraordinarily astute about what is happening in our world, and gives me great advice. “This sounds right to me.” Or, “This doesn’t sound right to me, you need to do more work on this.” I admire him.
The 5 hour research cycle included listening to HRC’s entire, fawning “Women in the World” interview with Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times. It was during this interview that HRC added a new set of deplorables who deprived her of the presidency, at least this time around: “Misogynists.”
From your ID, I take it that you are a man, and you stated that, “I don’t like HRC either,” so chances are you didn’t vote for her. Maybe you hadn’t known this before, but I hope you now realize that you are a misogynist.
You see, men, and particularly white men, are incapable of judging political matters, or anything else for that matter, because we are stupid, knuckle-dragging neanderthals. And all of us who did not vote for Hillary are nothing but deplorable misogynists. That most likely includes you, Peter Harris.
If you are not offended by her accusation, that is your business, but I was offended by it. Her accusation also became an extremely important, objective component of the “Reign” theme, from an IA standpoint. There will be more about this in future articles.
Bill and Hillary Clinton have not just financially raped the United States (they have become billionaires from their “public service” … to use your words, “Is this a sick joke, or something?”), they have raped this nation’s future by their greed and corruption. And Obama is no different. He, too, is in the process of becoming a billionaire from his “public service,” which not only provided absolutely NOTHING to the people of this country, but was deliberately designed to tear this nation apart, and down.
If you want to apologize for and support these people, I say shame on you.
Today, 4/12/2017, after being warmly welcomed and lauded by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Barack Obama gave an INTENSELY globalist and pro-immigrant speech in Berlin. I wonder if you have had a chance to hear it, Peter Harris. Because you should. I believe it is unprecedented that a former American president, not even 3 months out of office, would share the stage with an existing world leader and give a global policy speech, but will have to investigate this. Talk about arrogance.
We continue to see that to the radical left, the 2016 election never happened. In their minds, the stupid and disgusting “deplorables” and “misogynsts” had no right to vote, and therefore, their votes do not count. Accordingly, President Obama is still the president, schmoozing with Angela Merkel in Berlin and giving presidential policy speeches. According to his psychopathic, narcissistic judgment, and that of his addled followers, he is still in charge. Until he hands the baton to Hillary. After which, he will still be in charge.
In my work (Inferential Analytics), what is happening in Venezuela is of incalculable importance. It is hard, heart-breaking work to continue to analyze in detail what is happening there. Of course, the mainstream media no longer report on it, because Snowflake Americans cannot bear to hear the truth, particularly not such a brutal truth as the one coming from Venezuela. So Venezuela is completely ignored, as if it does not exist.
The fact is, Venezuela does not have anywhere NEAR, on a GDP-adjusted basis, $20 trillion in debt, nor does it have anything even RESEMBLING $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Nor does it have 46 MILLION people on Food Stamps, or 250 MILLION people living day to day, with no financial reserves whatsoever, situations that exist in the United States.
You have the gall to talk to me about rubbish. Well let me tell you about rubbish. Rubbish is the garbage that comes from Clinton and Obama apologists and supporters; and from weaklings and idiots who cannot accept the fact that those frauds have sold the United States down the river, FOR PROFIT for THEMSELVES. My email comments were not “Ad hominem” … they were a calling out the people who have DESTROYED this country, FOR PROFIT.
Spare me your defense of these corrupt frauds. You should be as outraged as I am by what they have done to our nation, and our future.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are not socialists; they are Crony Communists. And if you think what is happening right now in Venezuela is bad, wait until you see what Crony Communism is like in the United States. Tens and tens of millions of people will die, and a larger number will live like scavenging rodents, while the Obamas, Clintons and all their crony sychophants live like Kings and Queens … just as Chavez (before a disgusted God wiped him out) lived, and now Maduro and his vicious, corrupt, crony thugs live.
How can people like you be so utterly naive and stupid as to welcome and encourage the coming of such an horrific American tragedy? I just don’t get it.
“From your ID, I take it that you are a man, and you stated that, “I don’t like HRC either,” so chances are you didn’t vote for her. Maybe you hadn’t known this before, but I hope you now realize that you are a misogynist.
You see, men, and particularly white men, are incapable of judging political matters, or anything else for that matter, because we are stupid, knuckle-dragging neanderthals. And all of us who did not vote for Hillary are nothing but deplorable misogynists. That most likely includes you, Peter Harris.”
A classic case of 2+2 equalling 5 a quarter.
“If you are not offended by her accusation, that is your business, but I was offend.”
Whether I was offended or not is irrelevant, because my mother gave me some great advice when i was growing up; “2 wrongs don’t make a right.”
And if you trying to unpick my character, I’ll just tell you straight up, without any hesitation, that I’m a white (never married) single male, whose middle-aged, and born and raised in Australia.
I’m practising psychologist, and have a big interest in natural therapies/holistic medicine.
I have practiced Buddhism since I was 11 years old.
“How can people like you be so utterly naive and stupid as to welcome and encourage the coming of such an horrific American tragedy? I just don’t get it.”
Again, I generally agree (but I still believe George W Bush will always be the worst US president in history).
For the sake of not boring the readers here, i will not repeat my objection to you, rather, I’ll just direct you to my follow-up comment (below) to Dave/admin.
All I will say is I hope you’re economic judgement is better than your judgement, on how you go about criticising somebody’s professional standing, in this case a politician, whereby you think that using such descriptive terms such as “sausage,” is acceptable.
Reading your bio, it’s hardly the language from someone of your alumni.
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”
(Aesop, 620 BC – 560 BC)
What a bunch of crap. Hope and Change Obama lied and yet many of his followers continued to kiss his ass because they are addicted to team rather than policy. Trump said he was America first and not a globalist. He then bombs Syria over a bs reason. There is no proof Syria did use gas and even if they did who gives a shit. What about all the stuff going on in Africa? Neocons took over Trump and those who voted for a policy know they have been had and are man enough to admit it. Those who vote based on team will continue to kiss Trumps ass. The country is going down the shitter. I’m hoping I can avoid needing SPF 1000 during the next 4 years
MAGFTWAN: Make America Great For The Wealthy And Neocons
Another candidate who conned people. Color me surprised
I thought about running an Over/Under contest on how long it take Trump to turn into a Deep State puppet. Trump is a snake-oil salesman who took on the challenge of seeing if he could sell the ultimate snake-oil to the public: the Presidency. He just wants to be liked by his peers and now his peers are DC politicians and bureaucrats. The most amusing part is that he’s adopted most of HRC’s campaign platform and the left will still despise him just because he’s “Trump” and not Hillary.
A lot of his foreign policy positions could not have been chosen just to pander to the electorate. For years he consistently made rather sane statements about hemming in the scope and cost of the empire. As far as I can tell this stuff doesn’t sell all that great. The about face means either he’s been blackmailed or he is shockingly easy to bamboozle.
I am glad I am not the only one to notice that Hillary is no longer dead and buried but refreshed and raring to go again. Neither she nor the MSM seem to consider her as a has been. They talk of the 2016 election as merely a short term setback she can bounce back from. If one were to believe MSM, she is now no longer the measured and careful politician she was earlier but a carefree, personable and likeable woman. This narrative will be reinforced again and again over the next 4 years to make the people feel that she is the best ever candidate they didn’t vote for. Given her poor health, a run in 2020 is probably the only thing that motivates her to live another 4 years. While Al Gore refused to run in 2004 because it would be all about him seeking personal retribution, Hillary has no such compunctions and is an unabashedly greedy, entitled person.
Matt: Great comment. Right on the money.
My god Dave, you are actually defending that dribble?
Just a few quick points, from someone like myself who is a neutral observer, and not an American.
It is pointless, in the extreme, to discuss a politicians appearance.
All the focus should be on their policies and their character.
How do you know, for example, that she is a glutton?
She’s had a couple of health problems, which were on public display, so are you trying to create a narrative around that?
“It’s reflected in her physical appearance.”
How do you know that?
Where is the scientific evidence that immoral and corrupt behaviour, gets reflected in your physical appearance?
I know in Buddhism, there is a belief that ugly people are that way, because of their bad deads they committed, but that was based on their previous life, not their current life.
I can’t see any justification for that comment, metaphysically or scientifically.
Again, I’m not defending HRC, in fact, I’m deeply suspicious of ALL politicians.
And regarding narcissism, she’s not alone there, because all politicians most likely are uber narcissists.
You rail against the deep state, which is appropriate, so why in a week where the deep state have a huge victory, you are focusing on HRC??
The deep state has been doing its best to draw Donald Trump into its clutches, and with the events this week, I believe they’ve succeeded.
What was clearly a false flag in Syria, designed to get the very reaction that it created, Donald Trump now has cemented himself as a typical US POTUS puppet of the deep state.
Obviously, the false flag was designed to do 2 things, which was to maintain US presence in the Middle East (which is a long held objective), but more importantly, drive a wedge between Trump and Putin.
Trump was making subtle overtures to Putin, and the deep state wanted to maintain the status quo of having Russia as an arch enemy, and having Donald Trump making friendly gestures towards Russia and Putin, the deep state needed Donald Trump to put an end to any prospect of any friendly relations with Russia.
Surely you can see that.
And yet, in the same week that should of been the main story, your bleating about HRC?
She is irrelevant now, she’s now resigned to the dustbin of history.
So why are you talking about her?
Again, if somebody looks at this objectively, I could make the general comment that you are doing the deep states work, and by that I mean, you have this meaningless and infantile rant about HRC, at the time when all the focus should have been on Donald Trump and the Russia/Syria story.
If you need to talk about politics, which is your right, It could be argued, you’re deliberately taking the focus off Donald Trump, by having a meaningless rant about HRC, and to deflect the focus on what should be the main story of the week; Trump/Syria/Putin/Russia!
I my point of why i object to this nonsense, is to suggest that you’re damaging your brand, when you focus on ad hominem, and not the facts.
Funny because I have received several emails complimenting the article, like the one below. I offer this blog to the public for free to present the truth the lies beneath thick veneer of bullshit. It takes a lot of time to culture contacts and sources and a lot of time to create the content. Just like the television, no one is forcing you to read what is published here, you don’t pay anything for it and you are free to “change the channel.”
Stewart’s observations about HRC are not offensive in any way and, if anything, reflect the truth about Hillary. What’s offensive is the fact that more half of this country is blind to truth and happily enables sewer slime like HRC to exist. And no, I’m not “defending it.” The Truth does not require “defense.”
hi bill,
would you please forward this to dave from denver. thanks.
hi dave,
i read your article tonight. HILLARY IS DYING. she is terminal,
as is bill. she has numerous, serious, medical problems. she
will soon be hospitalized. or simply fall over dead. any talk
of her running in 2020 is total fantasy. it’s amazing she is
still breathing.
doesn’t matter. the NWO has another sock puppet to
replace her. she and bill did so much damage to america,
their deaths will be non-events.
keep writing for GATA. the fundamentals for us only
get better every day. only 1% of americans think like
us- at best.
You are still missing my point.
And you reinforce that, by having post some comments that are in agreeance with you.
It just shows the lack of character on their, and your behalf.
I agree with pretty much everything you say, but my point is, you and this Dougherty bloke, seem infantile and silly, when you use the words “sausage,” for example, to describe anyone, who you do not like.
There’s enough criticism that can be directed at HRC, without descending into childish remarks about her physical appearance.
Have you got now?
That was my point, and by extension, I believe it damages your brand to behave like that.
So what, you don’t want critical feedback?
“… you don’t pay anything for it and you are free to “change the channel.”
Okay then, I’ll f*** off.
Hello Stewart..great article. I read one of your responses to Peter Harris referencing the Venezuelan crises. Does your analysis conclude that we will run into a hyper-inflationary death spiral? My wife’s family lives..or at least survives in Venezuela. I get a first hand view of the trauma that her family faces. In any case I would love to hear your conclusions on where the U.S. is headed and under what time frame we will be hitting certain milestones. I don’t see Trump as being successful. The nation is divided and Trump appears to be loosing his way. I’d also like to hear your thoughts on accruing personal debt to prepare for the collapse. Hyperinflation destroys savings, it does the same to personal debt. In the current system one man’s debt is another man’s savings. My gut tells me that a form of slavery might be in the cards for the super indebted. Your insights and study are greatly appreciated.
Hello petedivine: Thanks for your message. It’s always great to hear from you. Regarding U.S. hyperinflation, to me, it’s almost impossible to call. A really great economist, John Williams (Shadowstats), called for it several times over the past few years, and it never happened. He has now backed off from that theme. If John Williams can’t get the timing right on hyperinflation, it shows you how difficult a phenomenon it is to predict, in terms of time. It requires literally zero intelligence or imagination to realize that the fiat dollar is nothing now but a collective figment of the imagination. When people realize, in large numbers, that their dollar “wealth” is nothing but a figment of the imagination is anyone’s guess, but given that they are creating trillions more of these figments of the imagination year to year, the awakening is very unlikely to be a long time from now. Every minute between now and that awakening is a gift from God to those who know how to use those minutes to prepare. Regarding debt as an anti-hyperinflation strategy, I looked into that in some detail a few years ago. I think it is an EXTREMELY dangerous approach. There is, to my mind at least, a ZERO PERCENT probability that the bankers will allow the people to freely extinguish their debts via the “gift” of hyperinflation. It is not going to happen. What will happen is that the bankers will pay the politicians whatever it takes to write laws that mark debt to hyperinflation. So if a person owes $250K on a mortgage, and inflation goes to 100%, that person will now owe $500K in “new” figments of the imagination. That person’s interest rate will also be changed and will go through the roof. Hyperinflation will lead to Deep State looting of unimaginable proportions. Debtors will lose everything. Anyone who thinks he is going to “outsmart” the bankers in a hyper-inflationary environment is seriously delusional. The only salvation is going to be to have zero debt. Worse, I think people should be very careful about assuming that debt-free real estate will be the answer. Property taxes are going to go through the roof, as well. Because our “pubic servants” are going to be desperate to fund their lavish pensions. Anyone who cannot pay their surging real estate taxes will see their property foreclosed. There will be a bittersweet justice to it, because the real estate market will collapse. No one will want to take on the property tax liability. But the public sector will just double down, in a desperate attempt to fund their salaries and pensions. It won’t work, but they’ll create a disaster for the private sector in the process. Now we can better understand why the Deep State is absolutely terrified about people figuring out the full-spectrum financial protective capabilities of precious metals. The fact that they have been mono-maniacally focused for years on crushing metals prices tells us everything we need to know. Do we really think they focus and waste their time on insignificant matters? Carpet bombing the exit ramps is hugely important to them, as we can see. Educate your friends, and ask them to educate theirs. There is enormous power in geometric progressions. More articles will be coming, but you know me by now. I only write them when I feel them in my bones. All the best, Stewart
Great response. Thanks for taking the time. Sounds like we are in for desperate times.
I think Peter’s message is we can choose to be more civil. And also we can be less defensive about critique or criticism.
That said, the truth is often ugly. HRC is, IN MY OPINION, a psychopathic monster. Trump is a [in my opinion] a milder, different type of psychopath. On election day I almost didn’t vote. Late afternoon came, and I honored a vow I had made to myself, that I would vote against her if she got the nomination.
Hello David: As the writer of the article, permit me to respond to your message. You started with, “I think Peter’s message is that we can choose to be more civil. And also we can be less defensive about critique or criticism.” I presume you are referring to my response to his first post.
More civil??? Peter started his insulting rant with, “What da f***??” He then continued with, “Is this a sick joke or something?? I thought someone had had hacked your website and just posted some trolling nonsensical insults.” He then continued with, “What the hell does that rubbish … ” blah blah blah.
Is that the “civility” of which you speak so glowingly?
Why don’t you go to the Women in the World conference video featuring HRC and take a look at it. It’s on YouTube. Watch her walking on stage, and proceeding to her seat. What do you see? A triathlete? Look at her, and then let’s throw our political correctness into the garbage, where it belongs.
I spend 100+ hours researching a public Inferential Analytics theme, and then writing it up. I make ZERO from doing it, and I seek to make ZERO. I do it to help people with my research and insights, as best I can, if I can. Readers might agree with my conclusions or not, which is their right, something I totally respect. Either way, I make ZERO, and seek to make ZERO. The extraordinarily positive feedback that has flowed to me in response to my numerous articles has been a kingly compensation, and has made me happy and whole. And it has encouraged me to continue, despite the personal cost of precious time.
So when a jackass like Peter gets in my face with a message starting out with “What da f***k??,” do you really think I am going to accept being talked down to like that??? Get a grip, brother.
When a jackass like Peter completely unnecessarily bares his fangs the way he did just so he can get a phony, pathetic rush from being a blowhard bully, then he is a disgrace to this excellent site and should never return to it, let alone comment on it. What an arrogant twerp.
Jung brilliantly observed that “we criticize in others what we know of ourselves.” The jackass accused me of “trolling nonsensical insults,” which is exactly what HE did. He trolled nonsensical insults, because he has nothing meaningful to contribute to the debate.
And then we find out he’s not even here; he’s lives in Australia. Talk about conceit. There is no way some Aussie sitting in front of a computer screen in Australia can have any idea what the past two years have been like for the citizens of this country, who have suffered the most extreme political corruption we have ever seen. State surveillance used to rig an election, and that’s just the beginning. Thank God that gang of criminal psychopaths failed.
If you want to lecture someone on civility, please go lecture that jackass, not me.
“More civil??? Peter started his insulting rant with, “What da f***??” He then continued with, “Is this a sick joke or something?? I thought someone had had hacked your website and just posted some trolling nonsensical insults.” He then continued with, “What the hell does that rubbish … ” blah blah blah.”
Strewth, to coin a modern phrase, you get triggered very easily.
I think you should go back to some basics, and learn about the meaning Ad hominem.
You’re accusing me of hypocrisy, when its you who is the hypocrite.
Let me point out a few of your mistakes.
I have criticised you (and Dave) for using puerile, school yard antics to describe somebody’s physical appearance, when your job was to criticise that persons political character and track record.
When I stated for example,” Is this a sick joke or something?” I was attacking your writing style and judgement, regarding how you criticise somebody, in this case HRC.
I did not use infantile language to describe your physical characteristics, which I could have easily done, given the fact that your bio and picture is prominent over the Internet, and then, by extension, use my criticisms of your body shape, to mount an argument against your academic career.
“Why don’t you go to the Women in the World conference video featuring HRC and take a look at it. It’s on YouTube. Watch her walking on stage, and proceeding to her seat. What do you see? A triathlete? Look at her, and then let’s throw our political correctness into the garbage, where it belongs.”
Their you go again.
You really are looking quite foolish now.
Anyone with a modicum of common sense, knows that someone’s appearance has nothing to do with their performance, unless they are indeed an athlete.
So with your twisted logic, I guess you would say that Chris Christie is not capable of doing his job either, yes?
Or, maybe, you really a misogynist??
“So when a jackass like Peter gets in my face with a message starting out with “What da f***k??,” do you really think I am going to accept being talked down to like that??? Get a grip, brother.”
Again, no hypocrisy there, huh?
You should practice what you preach, if indeed that’s what you’re preaching.
“When a jackass like Peter completely unnecessarily bares his fangs the way he did just so he can get a phony, pathetic rush from being a blowhard bully, then he is a disgrace to this excellent site and should never return to it, let alone comment on it. What an arrogant twerp.”
More reactionary nonsense.
I do regard this as an excellence site, that’s why I would like to see the standard of this site maintained, and not descend into infantile clap-trap from characters such as yourself.
“The jackass accused me of “trolling nonsensical insults,” which is exactly what HE did.”
Again, you haven’t bothered to read the context, in which that was written.
I had thought maybe, that someone had hacked Dave’s site, and added those phrases, or perhaps, the whole article.
After all, Dave is a contrarian, so it would come to no surprise to me if someone did try and disrupt he’s website.
“And then we find out he’s not even here; he’s lives in Australia. Talk about conceit. There is no way some Aussie sitting in front of a computer screen in Australia…”
By the way, I have lived in the United States.
Dare I say, but I may have seen more of the United States than you have.
I’m sure I may be the only Australian to ever visit Bismarck, North Dakota.
Just loved Montana by the way.
I’ve always had a strong interest in American politics, and more recently economics, and with the advantage of the Internet these days, more so.
And again, you are hypocritical.
You accuse me of knowing nothing about American politics, because I do not live there full-time.
However, you seem to have some specific opinions about HRC, regarding her obesity, gluttony (“while she vegetates in a food coma”) and her personality generally, but have you ever met her?
“Jung brilliantly observed that “we criticize in others what we know of ourselves.” The jackass accused me of “trolling nonsensical insults,” which is exactly what HE did. ”
Quoting somebody I’am familiar with.
You didn’t think too hard before you posted that comment did you, because it really applies to you, not me.
What do you Americans say? “Shoot yourself in the foot?”
You display all the characteristics of somebody who relies on their limbic system to evaluate their environment, and more specifically, you rely on your limbic system to respond to criticism, rather than your prefrontal cortex.
Maybe you should do a little meditation.
As I said, I’m a little surprised at your reaction and comments, given your alumni.
I will leave you with another quote from Carl Jung;
“Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will control our lives and we will call it fate.”
That quote is commentary on our fear based, impulsive and reactionary personalty, and how we respond to confrontations we face daily.
I didn’t lecture you on civility Stewart. I attempted to cool down rhetoric on all sides. I like your writings. In my opinion you are coming across as overly sensitive or reactive in your response.
This new book from MIT should help speed up our
dystopian future.
Stewart Dougherty is brilliant and I always appreciate his work. The predicted outcome is bleak. To what extent is this from personal analysis and to what extent a computer prediction? I am interested to know how Inferential Analytics works. I also follow the work of Martin Armstrong and Cliff High, who use big data to make predictions, and also see breakdowns and chaos ahead.
Hello Stewart, Ever since that night that Trump fired Tomohawks on Syria, I’ve been “Comfortably Numb”. Well actually, I’ve been “Comfortably Numb” for a very very veeeeeeeeery long time now.
Peter Harris claims to be a Buddhist & launches accusations against you. I’m afraid he may not fully understand the Buddhist tenets or the Eight-fold Path.’ (No, I’m not being presumptuous with my “Theravaida” moniker or anything. I keep learning everyday, even in my “Comfortably Numb” state.)
Jon Rappoport had written a very interesting article about this topic a while back, which I hope could be of some value to Peter Harris.
What’s wrong with Zen? by Jon Rappoport
Nothing is wrong with Zen, except the people who practice it.
That’s a joke. Sort of.
Every age has its massive collection of heavily loaded apple carts, and the job of Zen is to overturn them. When up is down, and insanity is called normal, that’s where you begin.
I agree with Theravaida that Peter Harris is a failure as a Buddhist, and liked the John Rappaport article. I suspect the description is a made up persona as he seems to have no idea about the Buddha’s teachings, however I am sorry that his ranting has sidetracked the discussion off the profound article by Stewart Dougherty…who makes very interesting points about the next moves of the deep state and gives suggestions about how we should prepare ourselves. I live in Thailand where approximately 50% of transactions are in cash, but there is a huge push on to create the “cashless society”. It is transparently part of a tax grab, and there will be a backlash of some sort from small business.However Thais love technology and are very active users of the mobile internet, so there will a struggle about this. Thais are also keen on gold and cash, and at the New Year, when many businesses give bonuses to their staff, banks will obligingly hand over thousands of dollars in brand new notes. Everybody also likes to have some gold and it is used as collateral for loans. This is similar to other Asian countries, so it seems as if we are in for a geopolitical pole shift…towards Asia.
People, particularly in times of strife, want a strong leader – for better or for worse. Hence where we find ourselves today. Hillary is in no way, shape or form strong, personable, or capable of inspiring confidence, period. Remember from the podesta emails – even her own team did not like her. So anyone thinking she can come back is smoking something awful. If she does try again it just puts her party that much more behind the eight ball when they need to shed the corrupt hacks and develop a new message.
The unfunded pensions are going to be one of the biggest issues going forward. I’m in the aloha state and the taxes and fees are being piled on the already weak middle and lower classes. Lots of businesses are on life support. I liken our current state to Poe’s Mask of the Red Death, where people just partied on while the plague encircled them. Maybe Trump is our Prince Prospero, although I tended to favor Alan Greenspan due to the ironic last name and the fact that he kicked off this madness, spreading fed greenbacks everywhere.