This article is from Dr. Fraser Murrell via The Daily Coin:
In the 1600s, Sir Isaac Newton presided over a (bi-metal) Gold and Silver Standard, with the flaw being the fix of silver to gold. In the 1900s, John Maynard Keynes “revolutionized” economics, with the result being certain economic collapse. In both cases there was a logical error in the key definition of “price”, which is critical to the stability of the economy. This note examines the problem and then goes on to present a workable Gold Standard, which it is argued, is the most stable frame of reference for our economy.
You can read the rest of this here: Returning to a Gold Standard
“gold becomes the only central reference price and then by calculating cross rates, trade can be conducted in multiple commodities and currencies (including silver). When price is finally defined correctly, we will have greater economic certainty”
Somebody should tell JPM about their silver hoard at Comex warehouse is not going to work.