Chris Marcus wanted my opinion about whether or not a silver “smash” was coming: “I would never want to be as dogmatic as saying ‘never’ because anything can happen with a banking [and financial markets] system as corrupt as the one in the U.S.”
But silver is historically cheap as an asset in relation to the universe of dollar-based financial assets and relative to the dollar-value of gold. Until the global monetary system is reset, gold and silver are going much higher price in ALL fiat currencies. As silver moves higher, there will be even more aggressive attempts to control its rise and this will entail higher volatility – both up and down but mostly up.
Chris (Arcadia Economics) and I examine this topic in our latest podcast and I draw from 20 years of experience in the precious metals sector including a 4-year span in the early 2000’s when I traded silver futures almost around the clock:
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I agree that nothing is certain in any endeavour, let alone rigged markets, but I wonder if the banks are trapped in their short position. Doubling down, by naked shorting even more, could turn out disastrous. This has worked for them, in the past, but I have a feeling we are, at last, witnessing a rotation of big money into metals.
Martin Armstrong: There will NEVER be a clean-up of Wall Street for the bankers OWN the Justice Department, the courts, the SEC & CFTC regulators.
Mark Mobius on Bloomberg TV on 7/23/20 says ” he would buy gold now and continue to buy gold as well as silver as silver will follow gold. Also, Mark has been bullish on gold for at least 6 months if not longer from his previous comments. He is a world-wide name and investors listen to him. That is the importance here. Thank You Mark
Masters of Universe are shitting themselves now , specially with September delivery contract coming !!! , but we have to remember , they still up there crooks.