“As I always bore people with: The true numbers, location, and disposition of national gold reserves are secrets far more sensitive than the true numbers, location, and disposition of nuclear weapons.” – Chris Powell, Treasurer of GATA

I love that quote from Chris. It reminds of when I suggested back in 2004 that the U.S. would start a war before it ever gets to the point at which it was forced to open the Federal Reserve gold vaults for a independent audit with the entire world watching.

What might require such an event? If the China/Russia economic axis were to roll out a gold-backed currency that required independently verified proof of sovereign gold holdings by all trading partners…

Tom Bodrovics invited back onto to his Palisades Radio podcast to discuss the current manipulated price take-down of gold and silver and why, among other things, it signals that another big round of money printing by the Fed is being tee’d up:


The Mining Stock Journal is a bi-weekly mining stock newsletter that focuses primarily on the junior exploration stocks. The latest issue includes a list of stocks that I think have been unreasonably beaten down in price plus a review of Cabral Gold . You can learn more about  this newsletter by following this link:  Mining Stock Journal subscription information

Note:  I do not receive any promotion or sponsor payments in any form from the mining stock companies I present in my newsletter. Furthermore, I invest my own money in most of the stock ideas I present.